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About Anchal

Anchal is a non-profitable organization that was, is, and will always be by your side in times of desolation.

We are a crowdfunding platform that helps us to generate funds from across the country for education, healthcare, disaster reliefs, and many such purposes. Our passionate volunteers work round the clock and have mastered and counted the act of giving.

Our team ensures the fundraising is for the right cause and also makes sure there is no misuse of our donor’s trust. Backed by a utilitarian notion, and using the power of social media and internet banking, Anchal has gained huge popularity in terms to raise funds for personal pressing needs.

Core features

Our goals and missions

We are a non-profitable charitable institution serving social enterprises, communities, or individual citizens in times of dire need.

Education facilities

No one should remain illiterate. And thus, we generate funds for securing proper education for both children and adults.

Food & water

Our volunteers work tirelessly in times of crisis to feed people in need. Not only the people, but we also try to look after stray animals.

Build home

Through crowdfunding, we were able to build a roof over several people and thus ensuring their safety.

Medical facilities

We help people to generate funds for any kind of medical emergencies.

Causes to care

We care for you and your surroundings

We exist for non-profits, social enterprises, community groups, activists,lorem politicians and individual citizens that are making.

Project :- Clean Chit (Social responsibilities)

Anchal has a strong affliction from social crimes. And with this passion, we help and stand against any mishappening in society. We intend to the very last and see that justice is being served. 

But we do not stop here. We make sure the affected person is settled properly and if needed also provide a source of income. We ensure the affecter personnel is safe and secure and then we settle. 

But our focus is not only on fighting social crimes but also acknowledge the good deeds. And thus, on every Doctor’s Day and on 1st January we acknowledge the contribution of our doctors and policemen to our society. 


Project :- Women empowerment

We bring women out of the household and help them establish themselves. Women tribal areas are mostly affected. But with proper education and teaching them stitching and other artworks, we provide them with a source of income. 


Project :- SWANIRBHAR (Employment to the needy)

Not only education but by teaching hand-skills we were able to provide proper employment scope for many households. 


Project :- Chaya - Neer

We all know that green life equals a healthy life. Living by this notion, our target is to make the locality a lot greener and cleaner. We all talk about global warming but only a few feel like acting. But by taking baby steps, we intend to make a difference. We have scheduled weekly planting of saplings to make our community greener and cleaner. But our milestone is something huge. We intend to plant approximately 1 lakh trees within the next 5 years around Memari. You can always contribute and volunteer to participate and make your environment a better place to live. 

Also, plastic has risen to become one of the major reasons for water blockage during the monsoon. Thus, we plan on conducting awareness campaigns to eradicate plastic from our society. We aim to make our community plastic-free in the future. 


Project :- Take Care

Last day of Anchal's "Take Care" project. You all know that Anchal provides food to the residents of Memari, (most of whom are mentally challenged) throughout the year (Project: No Hunger At Memari). All these people have now become a part of the Anchal family. In the final phase of the project "Take Care", we i.e. Team Anchal selected these mentally unbalanced wayfarers. First, we (members of Anchal) shave their hair with a barber and then clean and bathe them. After the bath, they are dressed in new clothes.


Project :- Siksha-Angan ( Education Centre)

This Pathshala is not only empowering these indigenous people but also instilling in them a new faith in themselves and knowledge about their own health. Also there are drawing classes for the young members of this village


Project :- Lakhir Jhapi ( The Busket Of Lakshmi)

Venue: Sundarbans Muriganga (24/06/21)
        Team Anchal, Muriganga of Sundarbans went to Cyclone (Yash) affected areas with relief.
       Team Anchal distributed rations to a total of 400 families by camping at four places (Botkhali, Saugheri, Dhablot, Chemaguri) in Sundarban Muriganga. The relief items were Chide, Muri, Murki, Mary Biscuit, Lero Biscuit, Parle G Biscuit, Cake, Chattu, Surf, Horlicks, Soap, Sanitary Napkin, Torch, Batasa, Paracetamol, ORS, Zeolin, Notebook, Pen, Pencil, Rubber. , snakener, mosquito repellent, tripal, toothpaste.


Project :- No Hunger

Anchal's journey began with the "No Hunger" project, the aim of which was to ensure that no resident of the memory goes hungry. Then we faced the global pandemic. Crowds of many unemployed helpless people, the sad faces of children and their eagerness for a handful of food. Every member of Team Anchal vowed not to sleep without an empty stomach.
We still provide food to 39-53 street dwellers every day. We feel free to continue this project.


Project :- Blood Line

The blood that we donate helps a person in need. It enhances their health condition and makes them overcome their critical situation. In other words, blood donation does not simply help that specific person but also contributes to a responsible gesture towards society. These kind of blood donation camps are tidily arranged through our "NGO ANCHAL" 


Project :- Raanga hnasi

In each and every month we donate monthly ration and provides essential subtances to needy families those who are struggling through economical conditions.
